About Jim Rendant….

“Expressions of Life” is an exhilarating collection of fine art images representing many unique views captured through the eyes of Jim Rendant. This series exemplifies the beauty we sometimes miss in our busy lives. Please take a moment to immerse yourself in both vibrant color & black and white images that explore our world.
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I was born in 1959 and raised in Chicago. My first camera experience was with a KODAK Brownie camera back in the 60’s. I took a liking to drawing in grade school. While in high school, I studied art and attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago.

I loved oil painting. While trying to capture the world on canvas I thought it would be easier to preserve the image to film and then paint the image at a later date. I found the instant gratification of photography plus the creativity found in my darkroom fulfilled my artistic desires and did eventually replace the brushes and canvas.

From that time forward I have had works published in trade journals, and news periodicals. Over the years I have accomplished many diversified aspects of photography including commercial advertising, product shots, school yearbooks, weddings, portraits; news related photos and have also produced album covers for local musicians. I have used many photographic formats to achieve this success from 8x10 view cameras to 35mm and today, 35mm digital.

Today, I am returning to my roots, having the ability to put my images directly onto canvas or paper. I enjoy the digital darkroom and the freedoms it has to offer. This freedom also fosters creativity in the way I see the world and present it to you.

While living in the country 65 miles southwest of Chicago, I continue to enjoy our great world and hope to share more of my visions of it with you.